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  • Can I join the pool if I am not a resident of New Providence?
    Yes. New Providence Community Pool is a private pool so everyone is welcome to join regardless of where they live. Go to 'Membership > Non-New Providence Residents" on this website for further information.
  • Can I buy a day only membership?
    No. The Pool is private and operates on seasonal membership.
  • Can members bring a guest to the pool?
    Yes. Members are welcome to invite guests to accompany them to enjoy the pool with some limitations. Any guest who lives locally ('local guest') in New Providence or the adjoining towns of Berkeley Heights, Chatham Township (not Chatham Borough) or Summit are limited to visiting the pool 3 times per season, regardless of which member brings them. Invited birthday party guests are not included in this visit limit. Any 'non-local' guests do not have any visit limit. Each guest is required to complete a digital guest waiver on the day of their pool visit. FOr guests under 18, the digital guest waiver must be signed by a legal guardian. All digital guest waivers should be completed, including the verification of e-signature via email, before arrival at the pool. Upon arrival at the pool, guests will register at the pool entrance with the member they are accompanying and show photo identification.
  • What do the capital contribution and membership fees pay for?
    New Providence Community Pool is a private member, not-for-profit organization that operates independently from The Borough of New Providence (does not receive any funding from the town). Capital contributions are typically directed towards purchase and maintenance of pool infrastructure. Membership fees are typically directed towards daily running costs (eg staff, utilities, member activities). The budget is managed by volunteer pool members who form the NPCP Board of Trustees.
  • Why do only New Providence resident members pay the capital contribution?
    New Providence Resident members pay an upfront capital contribution and then a reduced annual membership rate over the life of their membership. Non-New Providence Residents are not required to pay the capital contribution and therefore their annual membership rates are higher to account for this. When joining the pool, select either 'New Providence Resident' or 'Non-New Providence Resident' for the appropriate membership rate.
  • I just registered online. Will I receive a membership badge or ID card in the mail?
    No. New Providence Community Pool uses fingerprint-scan technology for member identification. At the first visit your index fingerprints will be recorded in the system, then you can use automatic fingerprint identification for subsequent visits.
  • Does my child need to wear a swim diaper?
    Yes, if they are not fully toilet trained they must wear a disposable swim diaper covered by plastic pants at all times. For member convenience, swim diapers and reusable plastic pants are available in all sizes at the pool office for $1.00.
  • Is my child restricted to using only the Kiddie Pool?
    It depends. Children who are not fully toilet trained are restricted to the Kiddie Pool. However, children who are fully toilet trained may use the other pools at their parent's discretion.
  • What is the Dive Badge Test and why should my child take it?
    Any child under 10 is eligible to use the diving boards, without direct supervision by a parent/adult guardian, if they successfully complete the Dive Badge Test. Any child who is between 44”- 48” in height can use The Spiral Slide if they have a Dive Badge. The Dive Badge Test is held 2pm daily in the diving area (excluding Labor Day and the last weekend of the season). To successfully pass the test and recieve a Dive Badge, children are required to swim two lengths of the dive tank (using any stroke), and then immediately (without first touching the side of the pool) tread water for 1 minute with their ears above the water. The Dive Badge must be worn at all times when using the diving boards or Spiral Slide. Height rulers are conveniently located ouside The Pool Office and The Spiral Slide.
  • How tall does my child have to be to use The Spiral Slide?
    Children 48" and taller can use the slide with no restrictions. Children 44" to 48" tall can use the slide once they pass the Dive Test and receive their Dive Badge to ensure they can navigate the slide safely. Their Dive Badge must then be worn. Height rulers are conveniently located ouside The Pool Office and The Spiral Slide.
  • Are flotation devices permitted in the pool?
    No. Flotation devices are not permitted in the pool except on designated ’Raft Night’ events in July and August.
  • Does my child have to try out if they want to join the Swim or Dive Team?
    Only new swimmers to NPCP Swim Team are required to try out. In the try out, potential swim team members must be able to: 1) execute at least one lap of freestyle, legally and uninterrupted, 2) demonstrate proficiency in at least one other stroke and, 3) must be age 7 by June 1 of the summer swim season. Swimmers who swam previously on either the NPCP Green or Gold Swim Teams do not need to tryout again.
  • Can I bring my own food to The Pool?
    Yes. The ‘Snack Shack’ sells a full menu of food and drink from noon each day but you are also welcome to bring your own food to enjoy anywhere in the pool grounds. No glass containers should be brought to the pool to avoid injury if broken. Members are responsible for ensuring their areas are cleaned up thoroughly (especially drinks and icecream remains) to avoid insects and allow everyone to enjoy the pool. Garbage and recycle bins are conveniently located around the grounds.
  • Can I bring alcohol to The Pool?
    No. As NPCP lease the grounds from The Borough of New Providence, they are not permitted to allow any alcoholic beverages on its grounds as part of The Borough of New Providence by-laws. We encourage all our members to respect this term in The Pool's lease.
  • Does The Pool have WiFi?
    The Pool has a limited WiFi range and is currently investigating how to support a broader range. To gain access to The Pool’s WiFi code, you will first be required to sign the consent and waiver form at The Pool Office.
  • How do I apply for a lifeguard position?
    Complete an application form and submit to the Pool Manager’s Office. Application forms are found in 'Contact Us - Employment Opportunities' section of this website.


1378 Springfield Avenue

New Providence, NJ 07974

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©2020 The New Providence Community Pool                                            Photography/Video: Light Flight Studios                                                Website: Classy Websites

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